Baby-I is the UK’s first charity working with all communities to prevent baby abandonment

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Child Abandonment

In 2015, there were over 143 million orphaned and abandoned children, in 93 developing countries, worldwide. This is 8.4 % off all children in the world. (unicef)

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What are our aims and objectives

As a part of Baby I awareness work, a new video clip was released and launched on the organization’s website .

The aim of the video is to raise awareness of babies being abandoned, often by parents living in highly challenging situations.

The Charity works towards educating young mothers in order to prevent child abandonment and in extreme cases, the killing of young babies. However, as a first step, they would like to ensure the existence of a place in London where newborn and unwanted babies could be safely and inconsequently deposited for further care.

“In the UK, abandoning a child is a criminal offence”, Warda Rose, founder of BabyI Charity, informs.

”There is no legislation in place for dealing with abandoned babies and any baby found abandoned is taken to a hospital to be cared for by health care professionals until they find it a home.” “Historically there had been a special hospital in London called The Foundling Hospital, appointed for this purpose. It was moved outside of London and eventually demolished. Consequently, there is no hospital specifically for foundling babies today.”

Earlier this year, the members of Baby I Charity went to see the ruins of the Foundling Hospital in London.. As Rose reports,

“We had the chance to feel the heart-breaking spirit of the place on that day and gain a deeper understanding of the miserable life of those innocent babies abandoned at the hospital. We are very proud to have learned more about this location as the centre of baby abandonment. We all felt emotional but also full of excitement as now we finally had an important story to tell to the world.”

“We had the chance to feel the heart-breaking spirit of the place on that day and gain a deeper understanding of the miserable life of those innocent babies abandoned at the hospital. We are very proud to have learned more about this location as the centre of baby abandonment. We all felt emotional but also full of excitement as now we finally had an important story to tell to the world.”

Baby abandonment is sadly vastly under-reported in the UK.
It is classed as a crime, so distraught mothers fear being found out if they are so desperate as to abandon their baby. This places the child at risk.

Also, the mothers are afraid to come forward for help and support.
Baby-i is here to encourage these mothers to make a better decision, to save the baby, and herself, without judgement and in a safe, confidential setting.